12 Listing Presentation Steps To Win Every Listing Appointment!
12 Step Strategy To Use To Win Listings
"Success Is 20% Skills & 80% Strategy." - Quote by Jim Rohn
Tactics win battles but strategy wins wars. Were you aware the seller will invite 2 to 7 agents into the home for a listing appointment? This means you are in competition with at least 1 other agent on every listing appointment. So you must be different. In fact you must have a strategy that aligns to what the seller expects from you. In this article we will discuss the #1 Motivation Strategy to use to win listings.
Listing Presentation Steps Introduction...
A CMA Is NOT A Strategy!
Winning listings is vital to your survival as an agent. And a listing presentation is an absolute must. (By the way... a CMA is not a listing presentation but rather a pricing presentation.) Are you aware 96% of agents do not use a listing presentation? Instead they only use a CMA. This is inadequate as it does not address the motivational demands of the seller. What ought you to do? You must use a listing presentation that addresses the demands of sellers. You call the solutions to those demands your Unique Selling Point or Strategy. In this article we will discuss what is the #1 Motivational reason why sellers hire agents. We then use this reason to develop a strategy to cause a seller to list.

How Important Is A Listing Presentation?
To a seller it is critical as they want to know what you will do for them during the sale.
Your listing presentation helps the seller to understand the selling process. It outlines your experience and home selling strategy. It creates seller confidence in you as a professional. It reduces seller anxiety by providing clear directions on how to sell the home. It also encourages the seller to discuss their expectations of you during the sale. And it creates trust in you as a professional.

Why Do Sellers List With Agents?
Have you ever heard of... motivation?
Motivation is the underlying reason why people do what they do. Have you considered the 'motivational' reasons why a seller lists? It is important for you to know these reasons. This allows you to write content that persuades the seller to choose you as their listing agent.

Why do sellers hire agents? Because they want a... BUYER.
Think about this for a moment. After all, if a seller already had a buyer they would have no need to hire an agent and pay a commission. That alone would save sellers tens of thousands of dollars. So the motivational reason as to why a seller is willing to hire an agent is... because they do NOT know how to find a buyer on their own. This is important to you as it gives you the advantage over your competition. Most agents have no idea about the real motivational reason sellers hire agents. You ought to focus your listing presentation on buyers. By doing so you address what they want from you. This strategy proves you are a competent agent.

Can You Prove To Sellers You Do Have Buyers?
Most agents cannot prove they have buyers.
May we ask you a couple of questions?
- Have you received any training on the MLS itself?
- Do you understand why they invented the MLS board?

If you are like most agents the answer is either very little or none at all. But were you aware the MLS was actually invented to help you locate buyers for your listings? The buyers you can get off your MLS board are MLS Buyers. Are you aware you use your MLS board to create a list of buyers for your listing appointment?
- Do you know what the MLS Hotsheets are?
- Do you use the MLS Hotsheets when on a listing appointment?

The MLS Hotsheets!
Do you use the Hotsheets when on a listing appointment?
Have you attended MLS training? If not, you are not alone. Only 4% of agents understand how to produce a list of MLS buyers off their MLS boards. In fact, what you are selling to a homeowner when you are on a listing appointment is the MLS itself. You are offering the seller access unto the MLS. So in essence you are a MLS salesperson.

After all, the MLS is what you are offering to sellers. And it makes sense for you to know the benefits of the MLS and how to use these benefits when with your seller. Here's a good question to ask yourself. Why haven't you received training on the MLS? You want to use an effective listing presentation... one that includes a subsection on MLS buyers. Plus you want to incorporate the MLS Hotsheets. By dong so the seller will appreciate your expertise.
Here Is A Suggestion!
The example slide shown is the 'MLS hotsheets' slide of the blue listing presentation design.

Are You Aware of The 4 Major Buyer Groups?
The #1 buyer group is called... Targeted MLS Buyers.
To win listings you must impress the seller when it comes to your expertise about buyers. You want a listing presentation that outlines the 4 unique buyer groups to your seller. Then you want to highlight the MLS Buyer group as the most likely to 'buy now' motivated buyer. Why is this important? The reason is to prove your buyer experience. This will separate you from the competition. The result will be the seller recognizes you are an agent of excellence. We recommend you consider adding the following to your listing presentation.
The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation educates the seller on these 4 buyer groups... learn more.

How Prepared Are You For The Listing Presentation?
Dreams come true when preparation meets opportunity.
If you are relying only on a CMA to win the listings, then you will disappoint yourself. You must prepare yourself by having a real plan to impress the seller and win the listing. Allow us to go through the top 3 initial steps... beginning with the front door step.

What to do and what to say when you arrive at the front door.
Were you aware a listing appointment is a social event as well as a business meeting? It is as much a social event as is a dinner at your friend's home. Speaking of dinner at your friend's home... would you arrive for dinner empty handed... without a gift to show appreciation to your friend for inviting you into his home? Of course not! Yet agents arrive at a seller's front door empty handed... without a gift of appreciation for the seller. Why do agents behave this way? They fail to realize a listing appointment is a social event. Your most important task when first meeting the seller is to show your appreciation. After all, the seller have extended you an awesome opportunity.
Check out this article for more on what to say during a listing presentation appointment... listing presentation scripts.

What About The Foyer?
The foyer is where you seize control of the listing appointment.
As you enter the home you also must have a plan to impress the seller about your experience. We recommend a foyer plan.

What to do and what to say when you step into the foyer.
If you lack a foyer plan then it means the seller is in control of the appointment. This is the last thing you want when on the appointment. The best strategy to use when in the foyer is to ask for a tour of the home. This gives you the time to build rapport with the seller. It also provides you an opportunity to gather more information you may need for the meeting. It also hands control of the listing appointment over to you.
Check out this article for more on what to say during a listing presentation appointment... listing presentation scripts.

What About The Kitchen?
Don't be in a rush to start your listing presentation!
When arriving in the kitchen a plan is also essential. Do not be in a rush to start the listing presentation. Why? Because you must first gather 3 important pieces of information.

What to do and what to say when you first sit down at the kitchen table.
By gathering the 3 critical pieces of seller information you set the stage for success. If you fail to gather this information you increase the odds of failure. Said another way... you'll lose the listing.
Check out this article for more on what to say during a listing presentation appointment... listing presentation scripts.

What About Your Pre-Listing Presentation?
Always begin with your pre-listing presentation.
Your next task is the pre-listing presentation. You had dropped it off to the seller 2 or 3 days before your appointment. Ask the seller if they have any questions about it. Here is an example of an effective pre-listing presentation.

The 'Guaranteed Service' Pre-Listing Presentation?
The message on the cover slide is what a good pre-listing presentation ought to convey in terms of what the seller wants from you... a SOLD sign. As you know, words are power. When you use the right words you position yourself for success.
The 'Guaranteed To Win' presentation includes this pre-listing presentation package... learn more.

Have You Ever Heard of a Safe Island Presentation?
A Safe Island presentation discloses critical seller information.
After you have discussed any and all concerns the seller may have had with the topics outlined in your pre-listing presentation... its now time to take out your Safe Island Presentation.

What Is A Safe Island Presentation?
A safe island presentation is akin to what a lawyer uses when first meeting with a new client. It empowers you to gather 2 critical pieces of information from the seller. You must have this information before your being the listing presentation.
A safe island presentation makes it easy for your to have the seller provide this information to you.
The 'Guaranteed To Win' listing presentation includes this 'safe island' presentation... learn more.

Are You Using A 'Flow' Within Your Listing Presentation?
Sellers want to know where they are going with you.

You're not the only person to have anxiety when on the listing appointment. Your seller has plenty of anxiety because of the appointment. Selling a home is stressful. That's why you want to deal with seller anxiety.
If you don't you may lose the listing. This happens because the seller may not be in the right state of mind to make a decision. This is a powerful reason why using a listing presentation is vital to your success.
To resolve seller anxiety being the presentation with an overview of the discussion. This will reduce seller anxiety. It will also put the seller into the right mindset required to make a listing decision.
The example slide shown is the 'our discssion flow' slide of the RE/MAX listing presentation design.

Are You Using A '12 Step Marketing Plan' In The Listing Presentation?
It's now time to focus on your marketing plan.

You will want to outline your marketing plan to the seller.
Your best strategy is to first offer a summary page. Then you will proceed through each step until completed. This provides the seller will all information needed to make an informed decision.
This is an excellent example of a summary page designed to impress the seller. It outlines 12 specific benefits the seller will receive with you. This allows your seller to understand what you will do when selling the home. And also make it easier for the seller to say yes to listing with you.
The example slide shown is the '12 step marketing plan' slide of the Keller Williams listing presentation design.

Remember... The #1 Strategy Are 'Buyers'!
Most agents have an epiphany after reading this article. They had no idea the #1 Motivational Hot Button of a seller is a buyer. But when you focus your listing presentation on buyers... you are giving your seller exactly what they want from a professional. After all... success is only 20% skills but a whopping 80% strategy. And buyers are the #1 strategy to use if you want to win the listing.
Also remember you earn more than one commission check when working with a seller. Actually, you earn two. The first is the commission you earn when selling the home. The second is the commission you earn by finding your listing client another home. When adding the two commissions together you will discover you earn big money as a listing agent.
This is another reason why you want to have the very best listing presentation money can buy. There is more to a listing presentation than its professional design. The content of the presentation is most important. You want content that proves you are unique, competent and trustworthy. There is no better way to do this than by way of MLS Buyers.
Today you have the opportunity to give yourself the unfair listing advantage. This one-time investment equips you with a proven and endorsed listing presentation. It matters not if you are a rookie Realtor or a seasoned veteran... when you prove you have access to buyers you put yourself into the winning position.
If you enjoyed this 'listing presentation steps' article you may want to check out top listing presentation scripts, creating a listing presentation that wins listings, or visit our listing presentation resources page.
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12 Listing Presentation Steps To Win The Listing On Every Listing Appointment